Anatta – No self
Anatta – there is no permanent self.
Anicca – impermanence
Arhat – A Theravada Buddhist who has become enlightened and gone to Nibbana (Nirvana).
Ascetic- Living in a spiritual life without luxury.
Asita the Sage – old teacher predicted Buddha’s life
Bodhisattvas – A Mahayana Buddhist who has reached nibbana but delays doing so through compassion for suffering beings.
Buddha nature – the potential for attaining Buddhahood, a state of awakening filled with compassion and wisdom
Channa – Buddha’s chariot driver who took him out of the palace
Chariot – a medieval method of transport.
Dhamma -The Buddha’s teachings, also known as the universal law.
Dukkha - All life involves suffering.
Dukkha-dukkha – painful experiences
Five khandas – the human personality is made up of 5 qualities.
Impermanence – nothing lasts forever
King Suddhodana – Buddha’s father
Magga - To stop the suffering follow the Middle Way and the Eightfold Path.
Nepal – Birth place of Buddha
Nibbana – a place of perfect peace or happiness
Nirodha - Stop craving, suffering will also cease.
Renunciation – a ‘letting go’
Sangha - The worldwide community of people who follow the Buddha’s teachings.Samudaya - The origin of suffering is craving.
Sankhara dukkah – all suffering cause by thought and mental activity
Siddartha- The birth name of the Buddha.
Sunyata – emptiness.
Tanha – craving
The Three Refuges – the Buddha himself (as a role model and inspiration), the Dhamma (the teachings of the Buddha), the Sangha (the community of monks and nuns)
The 4 sights- Four things the Buddha saw which inspired him to leave the palace.
The 8 Fold Path right view, intentions, action, speech, effort, livelihood, concentration, mindfullness
The three poisons – hatred, greed and ignorance
Thích Quảng Đức – self immolated
Vihara - monasteries where Buddha’s followers live
Viparinama – dukkha – suffering caused by loss
Anatta – there is no permanent self.
Anicca – impermanence
Arhat – A Theravada Buddhist who has become enlightened and gone to Nibbana (Nirvana).
Ascetic- Living in a spiritual life without luxury.
Asita the Sage – old teacher predicted Buddha’s life
Bodhisattvas – A Mahayana Buddhist who has reached nibbana but delays doing so through compassion for suffering beings.
Buddha nature – the potential for attaining Buddhahood, a state of awakening filled with compassion and wisdom
Channa – Buddha’s chariot driver who took him out of the palace
Chariot – a medieval method of transport.
Dhamma -The Buddha’s teachings, also known as the universal law.
Dukkha - All life involves suffering.
Dukkha-dukkha – painful experiences
Five khandas – the human personality is made up of 5 qualities.
Impermanence – nothing lasts forever
King Suddhodana – Buddha’s father
Magga - To stop the suffering follow the Middle Way and the Eightfold Path.
Nepal – Birth place of Buddha
Nibbana – a place of perfect peace or happiness
Nirodha - Stop craving, suffering will also cease.
Renunciation – a ‘letting go’
Sangha - The worldwide community of people who follow the Buddha’s teachings.Samudaya - The origin of suffering is craving.
Sankhara dukkah – all suffering cause by thought and mental activity
Siddartha- The birth name of the Buddha.
Sunyata – emptiness.
Tanha – craving
The Three Refuges – the Buddha himself (as a role model and inspiration), the Dhamma (the teachings of the Buddha), the Sangha (the community of monks and nuns)
The 4 sights- Four things the Buddha saw which inspired him to leave the palace.
The 8 Fold Path right view, intentions, action, speech, effort, livelihood, concentration, mindfullness
The three poisons – hatred, greed and ignorance
Thích Quảng Đức – self immolated
Vihara - monasteries where Buddha’s followers live
Viparinama – dukkha – suffering caused by loss